A Day At The Vet's

PAPA JOE's Avatar
One day a man took his poodle to the veterinarian. As he walked into the waiting room, he noticed a very attractive young woman with her Great Dane.

He sits next to her, trying desperately to think of *something* to say to this woman. The best he can come up with is, "That's a big dog."

She smiles, and leans over to pat his dog on the head. She turns and says, "Yes, he is. Now, what's wrong with your little dog?"

He replies, "Well, he's a male dog, you see. And whenever we have company over, he trys to introduce various bits of himself to their shins. It's become a problem, so I'm here to take care of it."

"So, why are you and your really big dog here?" He's really hitting it off with her!

"Well, my dog is male too. I have the same problem with him: when I bend over in the kitchen, he jumps up behind me, puts his paws on my shoulders and, well,..."

"Oh, yes, I see," the man interrupts. "So you're hear to get him fixed too?"

"Oh no,... to get his nails clipped."
DragonTongue's Avatar

Little Miss Hubbard, went to the cupboard, to get her poor dog a bone...
When she bent over, Rover took over, and she got a bone of her own!