HPV, known as Human Papailoma Virus commonly known as Genital warts. This virus is of the same strain as cold sore viruses you may see on a persons lip. Breakout are common during times of stress or illness such as the Flu or colds. Some people even have break outs during times of extreme hot or cold weather. Now the way in which this virus gets to the genetalia is during an all out break out or within five to ten days before or after generally after is more suseptiple to spreading. When the lession is present if the infected individual performs oral sex on his or her partner the virus can be spread to the genitals in that manner. The virus is not life threatening in and of itself but since it is associated with the human immune system it can be a factor in intensifying other medical conditions such as Diabetes Malitis, Asthma, Arthritis, Heart Disease. and of course your defenses against HIV are not as strong as someone without HPV. You can never get rid of HPV you can only control it. Some people are carrriers of HPV and can transmit it but never actually acquire the disese. People with HPV should stay with one partner. Some people are more susceptiple to it than others. Being that many women shave the vaginal area if she is in a breakout stage you should notice many of the lessions are deep inside and out of view but there should be at least a few raised inflammed bumps visible to outside of her vagina. They would look very different from stubble from shaving. Now to basically answer your question if you have uncovered sex will you be reinfecting each every time you have sex. Well kinda yes and no. No because if she is not in a breakout stage she is at the lowest risk of transmitting the virus. But remember when I said they can transmitt the virus either five days before or five days after you may have to do some math and memory recall. Generally the stages of breakout and remission are very consistant with many people, so its often times very predictable when there is a safe time for unprotected sex. Well I hope this kinda gives ya an idea about HPV. As long as she takes good care of herself and you both understand how this silly little condition operates you should be able to engage in a normal sex life. Take care.
Originally Posted by acp5762
Wrong, wrong, wrong! You are talking about herpes, not HPV. Two totally different things. The Herpes Simplex Virus causes cold sores on the lip. Human Papilloma Virus causes genital warts.
Check your facts before disseminating information on such an important subject. And learn how to spell while you're at it.
Susceptible x 2
Lesion x 2