Review: TexasExTasy - Tried to TOFTT - no show

BigTexnDallas's Avatar
Date: 04-04-18
Provider: TexasExTasy
User ID: none
Phone: 361-415-5923
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Corpus Christi
State: Texas
Address: in the area of Kostoryz and Ramsey on dead end street
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: none
Session Length: -
Fee: quoted 150/hr
Hair Length and Color: no idea
Age: n/a
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: never saw her
Recommendation: No
JRod2's Avatar
  • JRod2
  • 04-05-2018, 11:59 AM
Ahhh, the beauty of ECCIE..... Thanks for TOFTT Chief and for the honest and detailed review. PASS!!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-05-2018, 03:04 PM
A No Call/No Show.

Moved to the proper forum.
Thanks for helping out the CC Hobbyist.
You da man. At least you didn't waste any money.
Just wasted some time.
And you probably didn't want sloppy seconds anyway.
Once someone reviews her, we will know who "The Other Man" is.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Bad TCB = Bad experience.
Samcro84's Avatar
Wonder who will read this and still see her, but then complain.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Wonder who will read this and still see her, but then complain. Originally Posted by Samcro84
Well Sam, a certain member comes to my mind, who complains about nearly every subject he comments on on this website.
Sorry bro. Better luck next time?
"The Other Man" reviewed her.
There's your answer as to who trumped your time slot.
Better luck next time.
Hit her up for an 8 am hook up. Be the first of the day.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hit her up for an 8 am hook up. Be the first of the day. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
Good advice WP.
My last 3 dates were between 8 am and 9 am.
I had a lot better luck with a certain young chick who is no longer on here because of age. Our late evening date was good. Our early morning date was over the fucking top fantastic!!!
The others were all over the top also.
And I have more energy in the morning. So do they.