Welcome Back

huskerman23's Avatar
Two months of bullshit seizure
obnoxiousram's Avatar
The return is very much appreciated. I shall post once more.
Drew118's Avatar
Seems we have to pay for pa?
SSMinnowJohnson's Avatar
Glad to be back
Vivian Gates's Avatar
Its about time..was starting to get lonely down here. Welcome back everyone
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Seems we have to pay for pa? Originally Posted by Drew118
well i was about to post that since there aren't any reviews to read, what's the diff? while the historical reviews are missing and may or may not be restored, mostly due to technical issues rather than other considerations i think, one quick look at the Dallas forums and there are already a slew of new reviews in all of the sections. we are a die hard lot of mongers, aren't we? lol.

i mean, it's not like the hobby disappeared while ECCIE was down, yeah? i have lifetime PA and it's still active, had no issues pulling up a review or two to check for the ROS. i can see it.

that is a question for the staff, i image they'll address that when they get a chance. Like Chris said, they will be a busy bunch for awhile. while the site was down for 2 months, time did advance in the rest of the Universe. lol. i would assume the staff will try to adjust people's PA to credit the time remaining going forward. hopefully that can be done via some sort of scripting on the profiles. be a real bitch if it had to be adjusted manually. but that might be why the site is coming up with limited forums for now.

since i have lifetime PA, i can't say what happened to people's PA for reviews or paid for PA less than lifetime? perhaps someone who had time left when the site went down can verify their time is still on the books?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
glad to be back