What's pyramider going to do now that taint photos aren't allowed?

Prime Time's Avatar
Stay strong friend, we're always here for you.
loveitdou's Avatar
I am afraid he will IMPLODE!
You girls need to send him PM's with your pix-o and forward them to me as well! Hurry this is a crisis!
Tainthab? Perhaps.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint is still legal and is still the center of the universe.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint is all over the place. switter has allowed me to bring the message of taint internationally.
Pistolero's Avatar
He can still ask for taint pictures. Not like many ever answered his request anyway.
switter...ijs Originally Posted by B Three
Yep! Switter
pyramider's Avatar
He can still ask for taint pictures. Not like many ever answered his request anyway. Originally Posted by Pistolero
Prime Time's Avatar
Have you considered taint acupuncture pyramider? The pictures in this article will help tide you over during these tough times. I'd be happy to pay for your first session.

daarakan's Avatar
https://melmagazine.com/self-help-pa...e-11bc863659ad[/URL] Originally Posted by

I have found many weird things on the internet, but cannot even begin to fathom what combination of words in google would lead to that article. The internets must die now.
pyramider's Avatar
Them Chinese will poke holes in anything.
Slitlikr's Avatar

3 sides is referenced in the article, as expected-

"When I sit up, the pyramid has gone: My taint aches. But either way, when Wiesner comes back in to take out the needles, I’m weirdly relaxed. Wiesner tells me that people refer to it as being “acupuncture-high,” and psychosomatic or not, for the next hour or so, I do feel mildly but delightfully stoned."
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Damn....didn’t read that far down....Fucking Tebow 3-Sides.....
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Thank he will be just fine