A friendly "hello" to everyone.

noodlejuice's Avatar
Hello Ladies and Gents,

It's been quite some time since we've all been able to mingle here. I merely want to extend a friendly "HELLO" to everyone. I do hope that we can keep the mistakes of the old eccie at bay.

What has everyone been up too?
I am glad that our ladies have a place to safety meet their ends once again.

I hope that I can make it out to meet some of you ladies one day.

.... and guys, let's all be gentlemen.

- Love,

Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Welcome back!
I’m great how are you !
Yes new eccie new rules keep it simple an fun!
noodlejuice's Avatar
Welcome back!
I’m great how are you !
Yes new eccie new rules keep it simple an fun! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1

I am good. Thank you for asking love.

Simple and fun, that's me in a nutshell.
DallasRain's Avatar
Welcome back
Hello and welcome back!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
That’s good to hear!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Marshpirate's Avatar
Welcome back!
jillyclaire's Avatar
Welcome to the party.
Welcome back everyone!