Monger visiting Dallas, in search of information.

oam's Avatar
  • oam
  • 06-23-2018, 12:48 PM
Greetings fellow Hobbyists! I hope you all are doing well and staying cool!

I plan on traveling to Dallas in a couple of weeks and I've heard the hobbying scene in much more vibrant in Dallas than what we have in San Antonio!

Are there some spots where most providers' incalls are located?

Do any of them have their incalls within walking distance of downtown?

How is the AMP scene?

Any local favorites I should check out?

I thank you in advance for any constructive information you may be willing to give.

Happy Hobbying!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
The Galleria Area <<
pyramider's Avatar
The OP would be better served to spend maybe three minutes and research his question. Or the OP could just set up shop in Pleasant Grove ... there is always a lot of action there.
Probably best not to publicly advertise those locations. Just a thought...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
A lot of ladies are in the galleria area north of 635 between 75 and north Dallas tollway, also north of here along the tollway. I’m guessing uber rides to incalls would be pretty reasonable around here.

Good luck and enjoy dallas there is truly something for everybody here