Laura Loomer filed a police report against Maxine Waters

I B Hankering's Avatar
.Journalist Laura Loomer filed a police report accusing Congresswoman Maxine Waters of assaulting her when she did to Waters what the California Democrat urged liberals to do to Trump aides: Confront them in public.

Loomer tweeted: “I filed a police report w/Capitol Police against Maxine Waters. Yesterday when I confronted her on Capitol Hill, she ASSAULTED me. She hit my hand, then she swatted me in the face twice w/her papers. I’m pressing charges.”

Mad Max's 0zombie army was at again, yesterday. They don't stand a chance!
winn dixie's Avatar
Lock the bitch up!!
Mad Max's 0zombie army was at again, yesterday. They don't stand a chance! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I just noticed the pregnant 0zombie commie with a cigarette.

I just noticed the pregnant 0zombie commie with a cigarette. Standing in the middle of a big fight waiting to get hit so she can file the lawsuit.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Better video from a different camera.

Ben Davies of Democrat Maxine Waters serves in the district right down the road to me, a job she's held since before I was born. But... why...?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Better video from a different camera.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

From the remarks:

SSI01 July 1st, 2018 at 5:48 pm
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! His legs just stiffened up right under him. His pals picked him up like a Christmas tree and dragged him away. Note his shoes dragging on the pavement. If I were that guy who did this, I’d take that stick, frame it, and put it on the wall of the house.

I have a hunch we’re going to see more of this as these protests start to spill out of the liberal northwest and infest the rest of the country. Billy Bob, or Joe Bob down here, wouldn’t have been content to just pick up the stick the guy dropped – they would have placed it somewhere embarrassing before our antifa “hero” got carted away by his pals.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Better video from a different camera.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I read some of the comments. one of the comments stood out. apparently some of the liberal run cities are having trouble retaining police officers and they are leaving in droves after the riots had taken place.