Here's What You Need To Know About Trump's Top 5 Possible Nominees

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THE RUN-DOWN: Here's What You Need To Know About Trump's Top 5 Possible Nominees

According to Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, the White House has narrowed down its list of potential Supreme Court nominees to a top five: Brett Kavanaugh, 53, of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals; Amul Thapar, 49, of the 6th Circuit; Amy Barrett, 46, of the 7th Circuit; Thomas Hardiman, 52, of the 3rd Circuit; and Raymond Kethledge, 51, of the 6th Circuit.

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This article states that the two most textualist judges -- most like Scalia -- on this list are Barrett and Thapar.
I'm still thinking what if it was HER. And it was so close.