Sexy Roxanne update

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I got a text last night ..her surgery went ok and was sent home on pain meds...Unfortunately the dose was way to high for her and she was found unconscious in her bed..She was rushed to the ER by ems and was put on life support for about 4 days....turns out she had a heart attack and is now in rehab to learn to walk again..She is a single mom she has child care covered for now but is going to need help financially.....Any ideas or suggestion to help her out is greatly appreciated
NipLover's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for a speedy recovery.
Simply Alisha's Avatar
Oh gosh...I am so sorry to hear this!

She will definitely be in my prayers.

Not sure how things work in this state. But, she should be able to get assistance with her rent, utilities, etc until she recovers. That's how it is where I'm from...I assume that's the case here, as well.

OMG!!! Thank goodness someone found her! I hope she's ok, bless her heart she is such a sweet gal!
LadiesFan's Avatar
I wish she and her family all the best.

Schmafty's Avatar
Hope she recovers quickly. Please keep us updated if you hear anything new!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I will..shes a strong trooper
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
what about her qualifying for disability? I can provide some chauffeuring or errand help. Thanks VictoriaLyn for helping her.
Damn! Vikki please pass on to her my well wishes!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Shes comming home tomorrow thou still needs a wheelchair/walker to get around..I just got off the phone with her and she sounds very upbeat giving the hell she just went throu..She says Thankyou for all the well wishes......
311 and Caratas comes to mind. I am willing to donate some groceries. Just let me know where to drop them.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Wow. That is crazy. I hope she recovers quickly.
knotty man's Avatar
groceries are a great idea!! let me know also if she needs some too.or if there is anything else i might be able to help with. im in killeen but ill do my best
Vikki, Thank you for the update! This is really sad for our community. I've met Roxy at the last couple socials and she is a really sweet girl. Please send her my best!

If I think of any suggestions to help I will surely pass them along.

srvfin's Avatar
OMG.... I don't know her but we traded some posts right before her surgery and she seemed upbeat. She was looking to eat some shrimp before she went in. I truly hope she gets well soon and makes a full recovery. Please keep us updated along the way. May God bless her and all you good people for doing what you can to help her.