A Blonde Joke

Tiffany and Buffy:

Tiffany and Buffy are two young, blond single girls that share an apartment. One morning, Tiffany arises early and leaves the house, heading for her car to go to work. About an hour later, Buffy leaves the apartment, only to find Tiffany still in the parking lot, on all fours, behind her car, blowing as hard as she can on the tailpipe. After recovering for a moment, Buffy says, “Oh My Gosh, Tiffany, what are you doing?”

To which Tiffany replies, “I’m trying to inflate this flat tire. When I found it, I called the mechanic and he said this is the way to blow it up so I can get the car to him to fix the hole. I’ve been at this for 30 minutes now and I’m beginning to think that he lied to me.”

Buffy gives this considerable thought for about 2 minutes and then says, “No, Tiffany, sweetie. The mechanic was right. He just forgot to tell you one tiny detail. ..... BEFORE YOU START, YOU HAVE TO ROLL UP ALL OF THE WINDOWS.”

coast_encounter's Avatar
PAPA JOE's Avatar
LOL, good one babe !!!
badhusband's Avatar
Funny! Gotta love blondes! Even though I'm blonde, I'm smarter than that. Ha!