I don't know if that could ever happen GP.
What I have experienced is staying with some regulars like OSD has done, who have the great tcob skills, makes for a more enjoyable time. But what I have also found is, as much as we want and expect reliability and those tcob skills, it is just as important for us to be reliable and on time when we commit to an appt. Respect goes both ways in this hobby and when e-mails aren't answered and when appts are set with no confirmation learn from that and move on. And if you were guilty of that, then don't be surprised when your slighted or ignored.
This has been talked about before and hasn't changed and probably never will.
Originally Posted by montana1958
TCB mmmmm "one I use to see the most(utr)" errr nope. ATF UTR has not had good TCB skills after going UTR. Hunter mmmmm I will go with has TCB skills for others. Its more like after many many years I still enjoy the company of each. The two UTR lurk here. Hunter reads but does not post a lot. When I start looking out side of the 3. Each will give me there opinion.
All hated when I reviewed Cher from AC. But for recent review from Mirage. ATF wants to met her for duo. Hunter high fived me(bi) she wants to met her also but for her fun I think. And the straight one "you still have time to look at others?"
So I enjoy my time with as friends. And as providers. But I wish TCB skill was part of it. By the way all 3 know each other. And that can be good and a pain in the!!!!
So when I started on ASPD I wanted to met others, and did so. But its easy to just see the 3 for the same reason LynnT posted above.
But I find when one is acting like a wife. I just hit the other two. And cheat on all three looking where others may not think to look.
If something where to happen with this arrangement. I would see if one I met on ASPD would still see me. And I have my mind set as to who I would try for on this board.
So I am a miss-fit on this board. I P4P. But not a hobbyist at this time. But sticking to a few does have its good points. Yet also has its downfalls.
So to all providers on this board. YOUR SAFE FOR NOW. LOL