Kendra's Retreat

How does one get approved? Filled out the information over a week ago and waiting on email or pm here, but no response yet. I have to say, Relax was really responsive to my request to register. Hoping the staff reads this and contacts me to let me know what they need further. Maybe they aren't taking new enrollments? If so, my loss for sure.

CG2014's Avatar

You can't compare Relax to Kendra's Retreat.

It's like comparing Prunes (Relax) to Apples (Kendra's Retreat).

Once you get approved, you will see it was worth the wait and you will hardly ever want to relax at Relax again.

Kendra's Retreat is so much better than Relax because it's woman's owned.

The girls of Kendra's are at ease:

there is no uneasy sexual tension between the girls and the owner - unlike at Relax where they have to constantly worry about being sexually harassed by the owner who is a guy.

Kendra doesn't sexually harass her girls or make passes at them or make improper sexual comments to them or expect them to sleep with her between appointments.

You will never get the owner's sloppy seconds at Kendra's Retreat like you would at Relax.

Everyone is happy at Kendra's Retreat and Kendra treats each and every one of her girls (new and veterans) as if they were her own sorority sisters.

There is something good to be said about a woman's owned business.

If women ran the world, we wouldn't have poverty, famine, wars, intolerance, class struggles, and porn....

...wait a minute, not porn!