I'm search of a midget foooking granny now!

So I had a delicious sesh wid a granny yesterday. An overnighter with a beautiful seasoned old gal. Foooking unbelievable. All the boxes checked,flabby breasts, wrinkles, etc and she foooked me good. I've never felt more like a man than waking up to her this morning. Now let's up da game. Now I would like a recommendation on a midget granny. Please Caucasian with a firm nba policy. I don't want her lotus soiled by any Mandingo but shine! Thanks. Toodlez....
  • pxmcc
  • 07-14-2018, 07:19 PM
now ur gettin fetishy..
Yeah pxo. Pussy is getting boring. Have to add a little flava!
Clean your private messages, I’m triying to send you a PM.
Okay. I'll clean it up soon and dm you sir.