Republican Strategy for Victory

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently it includes luxury European cruises and shopping at Tiffany's. Yeah, they're connected to the common folk.

I smell victory in the air!

Apparently COG you did not make the calling a couple weeks ago.
Do not think of it as a missed calling. You had such a good farewell. A lot of wichita girls visit KC a bird dog would help alot.
From saint to bird dog is a reach. If anyone can do it you can. lol
Newt doesn't have a prayer of the Republican nomination; any slim shot he might have had ended when he torpedoed Paul Ryan. So if you're arguing that anything he's doing is 'representative of Republican strategy,' you're just looking for something.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
KShunter - I was trying to illustrate that Newt is an idiot. A pompous windbag with delusions of grandeur. I think he's funny, he almost makes Palin look like a political brainiac.

Big Country - I have only one thing to say to you. - Huh?
he hasnt a chance and the guy is an idiot. i wish he would leave the republican party.
No No No...................We have Weiner so Newtie is all yours along with the other members of Our Gang. I just hope he stays in it for awhile.

C.O.G............I don't know what he said either.
Longermonger's Avatar
Awww, did little Newt the Frugal have his campaign implode? Ha ha ha

Just remember Republicans, Newt was your 'smart' guy. Keep that in mind when rumors about the Governor of Texas running get tossed around. He's no Newt.
Newt may be the "smart guy" (and he has the education and history to prove it), but he has no common sense - all he had to do was open his mouth and prove it. He's got too much baggage from when he was Speaker that he has absolutely no chance to win.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, yeah. Like Texas governors have done such a terrific job for us in the past. Heaven help us.
Awww, did little Newt the Frugal have his campaign implode? Ha ha ha

Just remember Republicans, Newt was your 'smart' guy. Keep that in mind when rumors about the Governor of Texas running get tossed around. He's no Newt. Originally Posted by Longermonger
If I recall GWB and Governor Perry are not friends. Even Kay Bailey Hutchison ran against him in the primary and tried to get him out of there.
Longermonger's Avatar
Can somebody please show deacon how to post pics? And quote? And think?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree that Newt has a tin ear or lacks common sense sometimes. This being one of those times.
Why do the democrats call every Republican stupid despite the record. Dr. Newt Gringrich has a doctorate in European history. Care to name a democrat who can claim a doctorate? The last doctor in the White House (other than Josiah Bartlett) was Woodrow Wilson. The last, and only, Master's degree holder after Wilson was George W. Bush. Typical boiler plate for democrats is to call Republicans dumb or stupid. Ted Kennedy was expelled for plagarism and Al Gore flunked out of a seminary school. John Kerry's school scores were lower than GW Bush's. I won't be surprised if Obama's scores are less than average. He doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere based on merit but only by who he knew.