Encounter: Desired

1sicpuppy's Avatar
Date: Mid july
Name: yourdesire
Phone: After verification
Email Address: Yourdesire@salusafe.com
URL / Website: -
City: KC
State: Missouri
Address: South KC
Hair Length and Color: Short blonde
Age: 50
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Short blonde, fit appearance, B cups. Bio page is accurate.
Recommendation: Yes
URL / Website: -

Thank you for submitting an encounter report. In order for you to receive Premium Access credit, we will need an actual working link to her Eccie Bio Page.

Leaving the category blank does not qualify the review for PA credit.

Send a PM to me with the missing information and the review will be edited and processed for PA credit.

It is not too much to ask that you do the reviews correctly and complete the form fully in order to receive free PA credit.
earlyriserpaul's Avatar

Seen her many, many times. She is a sweetheart and a blast to play with !!!
One of my earlybird playmates.
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
+1, she is a fantastic date - and Paul is spot on - shetruly is a blast to play with!!!

Which reminds me.....