Star Secrets

Hey guys Im sending a flare up for Star Secrets.....apparently her account has been ELIMINATED without any explanation from Eccie....

She has sent emails and asked me to put a word in so.....

Word in
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Starsecrets accoun is here and just fine. Shows up as she has an "upgraded Female Account" and even shows she is logged in.

Maybe she forgot that her handle is Starsecrets and not stars secrets
Hmmmmm.....I just did a search through the showcases for Starsecrets and nothing.
Did a forum search on Starsecrets which brought up two reviews, one in June with a link to her showcase but when I click on the link.....nada.
Not showing up from this end
Just searched, came up fine on my end as well.
TinMan's Avatar

Sometimes when I plug something into the Eccie search engine, it comes up empty the first time. Second attempt, fine.