Is she Guilty?

Bababoeuy's Avatar
I got to admit it. For some reason I'm fascinated by that Casey Anthony trial. My business has suffered because I'm glued all day and night to Tru TV and HLN watching that damn trial. Casey is also saving me alot of money now that I have less time to see providers.

So what is your take on her? Guilty? Innocent? Or am I the only nut watching this garbage?
I think it looks REALLY bad for her but I will wait to hear all the evidence before passing judgement.
pyramider's Avatar
Any nekkid pics of Casey Anthony? Then I will determine guilt or innocence.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-11-2011, 10:38 AM
Her days are numbered.
Sarge's Avatar
  • Sarge
  • 06-12-2011, 01:26 PM
If she's found guilty, I hope two of the last thoughts that go through her head are "Oooh, that alcohol is cold!" and "Ouch, that needle hurt!"
All I Know,is a lot of good pussy is going to waste.
But of what. Murder, which she is on trial for, is a specific charge that requires specific circumstances.

If it turns out that the girls death was an 'accident', Casey Anthony might be a vile and reprehesible human being, but she is not a murderer.

In the end, I suspect that will be her ultimate defense. Horrible human being, just not a murderer.
O'Mike's Avatar
Jackie S, from my understanding she is on trial for multiple things relating to the death of her daughter. There are lesser charges she could be found guilty of and still spend the rest of her life in prison.
That's Good. Sometimes Prosecutors go for an all or nothing, and reasonable doubt can put the brakes on that.

I do hope that after all is done, the real story of just what happenned comes out.

It has been alluded to that women who like to party actully use chloroform to knock the kids out so they can hit the clubs. I had no idea that this sort of thing was going on.

And if it is, what does this say about some of the "values" that are instilled in people? Have we sunk that low?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Guilty as hell
surcher's Avatar
Guilty as hell Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Any nekkid pics of Casey Anthony? Then I will determine guilt or innocence. Originally Posted by pyramider
None I know, but look at her and Laylonie from BP.



berkleigh's Avatar
Ive been following this story for 3 years and I am disgusted.

Poor littlr Caylee deserves justice.

I am a huge Headline News/Nancy Grace so I watch it alot.

I hope they fry Casey!
DragonTongue's Avatar
I don't think there's any doubt that she was criminally involved... but to take a quote from "Law Abiding citizen":

"It's not what you know, it's what you can prove in court"
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ive been following this story for 3 years and I am disgusted.

Poor littlr Caylee deserves justice.

I am a huge Headline News/Nancy Grace so I watch it alot.

I hope they fry Casey! Originally Posted by berkleigh
See, Berk....we can agree on some things!!
That bitch is guilty as hell!
topsgt38801's Avatar
Guilty, she does not need the iv death sentence, put duct tape on her mouth and nose and let her suffocate like she did her little girl.
