Cityxguide v backpage

Seems odd after the shutting down of Backpage that cityx can have ads listing anal coffee etc..just wondering why and how
Umm, anal coffee?
Who cares as long as they manage to stay up...EB too.
Now if we can get some reports or even threads going to help sort out the fakes and not worth its from the true opportunities would be great.
Fuck meant cof not coffee fucking autocorrect
Who cares as long as they manage to stay up...EB too.
Now if we can get some reports or even threads going to help sort out the fakes and not worth its from the true opportunities would be great. Originally Posted by Astro18
great advice
Plastic Man's Avatar
Fuck meant cof not coffee fucking autocorrect Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
oh smalls

...ya just enjoyed anal coffee with yer ...plastic man ...this mornin
Hate to be butt of joke over shit cup of coffee old pm
jj999's Avatar
  • jj999
  • 07-25-2018, 10:29 AM
What is EB?
lilylivered's Avatar
What is EB? Originally Posted by jj999
escort babylon
EB is pretty ridicules. 95% bullshit and the remaining 5% are just the same old hags everyone already knows and have fucked 1000 times. As for the reviews and comments on there, useless.
  • MrATX
  • 09-25-2018, 02:20 PM
Can anybody give me a pointer on how to see reviews on Escort Babylon? I’ve left a review that was approved, and have an account, but nothing shows when I click on reviews.
randombl's Avatar
Can anybody give me a pointer on how to see reviews on Escort Babylon? I’ve left a review that was approved, and have an account, but nothing shows when I click on reviews. Originally Posted by MrATX
They don't work with is why I post here last fiveor so reviews are of EB girls.
Can anybody give me a pointer on how to see reviews on Escort Babylon? I’ve left a review that was approved, and have an account, but nothing shows when I click on reviews. Originally Posted by MrATX
Because the site is fucked. Sometimes you can see the reviews, sometimes you can't. Negative comments and reviews have a way of disappearing on there. It's like the wild west, anything goes. It's better than nothing I guess, but just barely.
plus the girls get to add comments on EB and attack negative comments. I think Karen had 100 comments or so when she was active.
Who cares as long as they manage to stay up...EB too.
Now if we can get some reports or even threads going to help sort out the fakes and not worth its from the true opportunities would be great. Originally Posted by Astro18
Same problem with "Skip The Games".