All the ROS samples are pre 6/18

All the ROS samples are pre 6/18 so nobody can see them. I've never written one because I was scared of being to graphic. I guess it might be ok be be graphic now since no prices or menu are on here anymore.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 07-25-2018, 11:44 PM
You can discuss any aspect of your time together in The Rest of the Story section and at any level of detail. The purpose is to give other guys enough information to make an informed decision as to whether they would enjoy spending time with the lady.

Some reports are short and matter-of-fact (I arrived, we did this, we did that, I left, will see her again) while others go into a lot of detail about the place, her looks, her attitude, her personality, what makes her laugh, what they enjoyed doing, etc.

If you're worried about being "too graphic" you can certainly send me or any of the other local mods your proposed text and we'd be happy to offer our opinion.

The problem with most first time reports is that they don't provide any details at all. "I had a great time and she did everything I asked." doesn't really help someone else.

RamTheJam's Avatar
All the ROS samples are pre 6/18 so nobody can see them. I've never written one because I was scared of being to graphic. I guess it might be ok be be graphic now since no prices or menu are on here anymore. Originally Posted by atomdawgee
Not to be a dooche...but after being a member for 8 yrs, you would think you could share some better intel here. Even if it's within a nearby city.