How to post an ad.

Ravennight's Avatar
Was not on here long before kinda same issues n gave up is there an ad posting or is the biopage it?
Randilyn's Avatar
you can post a "weekly update"" in the area of your choice to let your "new potential friends" know that you will be around . no mentioning of "menu's" .. if you have a website direct ppl to your websit, which you can list on your bio page and whatever you do, do not mention $$ ... other than that you should be fine .. yur weekly update once you post should take no longer than 24 hrs to go live once approved by a mod.. probably best if you check out the new guidlelines in post weekly encounters as it explains what you can and cant post in your weekly update .. also check out the updated sticky's on posting .. hope this helps hun
dj8rocks's Avatar
I saw her post, but wasn’t able to look at her bio page to see if she had achieved the Upgraded Female Account status yet.
DestinyLuxe's Avatar
How do I post the weekly update?
Thank you. I was wondering how to post anything. I was looking for a box that said new post or something and could not find it now that I read what you said about weekly post I will post that way thanks .
Was not on here long before kinda same issues n gave up is there an ad posting or is the biopage it? Originally Posted by Ravennight
how to post this site
dj8rocks's Avatar
how to post this site Originally Posted by mary245

It looks like you have a couple of steps to make before you are able to post. The first is becoming age verified, that process is located in the lower half of information found here:

Once you have completed the age verification, all you will need is to have an encounter report written here on Eccie to become an Upgraded Female Account.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-14-2019, 12:21 AM
I saw her post, but wasn’t able to look at her bio page to see if she had achieved the Upgraded Female Account status yet. Originally Posted by dj8rocks
Ravennight's account shows as an Upgraded Female Account.
$BIG_PRESSURE2214$'s Avatar
Ok we're is it ion see it
biomed1's Avatar
As of September 2019, Eccie no longer permits advertising in its Forums.

While Providers are challenged now by the Eccie guidelines, many are trying to pique interest by use of the Eccie Forums.

Providers have always been able to post ThreADs to promote themselves and help to secure interest from the Hobbyists.

Hobbyists have also been permitted to post ThreADs to promote visiting Providers.

There is a fine line between a ThreAD and an AD.

By posting any of the items listed below, you change a ThreAD (as way to indirectly spark interest in you) into an AD (directly seeking appointments by announcing any of the following):
  • availability/dates
  • services (include activities that you do not participate in)
  • rates/fees/specials
  • Seeking an Appointment
  • asking Hobbyists to contact you
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