Age Gap Dating vs. Dating Your Age?

Hello Gentlemen,

When it comes to dating, do you prefer to date women who are significantly younger than you, or do your prefer to date someone close to your age?

Would like to hear your comments and opinions! Ladies are free to chip in as well.

BigGuy13's Avatar
I’m always looking for younger than me.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
im an equal opportunity lover with very little discrimination. i don’t “date” traddionally, since im hitched, but i hobby and i smash civi’s of all ages...late 40’s being my cut off. ive been with a couple of ladies, in their 50’s, that were hotter than many women in their 30’s. i won’t say im into gilf’s, but ive been smashing a 37yo coworker that’s recently became a grandma lmfao.

the older ive become, the more appealing younger women are to me...way more now than when i was that age. in the end, the age is not as important to me as the attraction for a hot female!
mitch p's Avatar
I am attracted to a variety of women. To me age, race, and size doesn’t always matter. What matters most is attitude and self confidence. If you make me feel like a VIP I will be a very loyal puppy. Consistency equals great value.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Are you talking civie dating or seeing ladies in the hobby?

I'm single and have been for a while by choice. Had 3 ladies as a young twenty something all either cheat on me or then one revealed she had a fiance miles away back home. She was an intern. After three too many disappointments, I joined the hobby. I always dated women close to my age. Real world speaking.

In the hobby, I always saw milfs at the start. Better sex, no strings, and overall better sessions. Many relations evolved into dinners, movies, and drinks. Sex after or before. Got close to one, but we stopped before it went anywhere. She was fifteen years older and would have loved to date her or go further. But i'm not honestly here for that. Dated another a year older than me a year after that for 4 months as she took a liking to me and dropped that really quick. Who ever I click with, regardless of age is cool with me to see regularly and see where it goes. So age to me, really doesn't matter as opposed to compatibility. But theres a fine line between love and dating. Get that one straight.

Some say age matters, others do not. Depends who you talk to and if its hobby related or real world affairs. Having been in the hobby now for some time, age does not matter. A woman who I am very attracted to does.
Always been told golden rule for actual dating is divide by 2 plus 7 to your age is a good base line but just my opinion hobby world seems fare game ?
nedsum121's Avatar
Dating dating id always say younger but not supper young. Im in late 40's so id say 30s and up to about 50. In the hobby game. I always try to stay above 25 the girls just know what they are doing. I have seen my fair share of 19 and 20 year olds but its more to stroke the ego than anything else.

Race never been an issue i have my fav. Asian fav. African American fav native american ect. Its more the looks to me..
Are you talking civie dating or seeing ladies in the hobby?

I'm single and have been for a while by choice. Had 3 ladies as a young twenty something all either cheat on me or then one revealed she had a fiance miles away back home. She was an intern. After three too many disappointments, I joined the hobby. I always dated women close to my age. Real world speaking.

In the hobby, I always saw milfs at the start. Better sex, no strings, and overall better sessions. Many relations evolved into dinners, movies, and drinks. Sex after or before. Got close to one, but we stopped before it went anywhere. She was fifteen years older and would have loved to date her or go further. But i'm not honestly here for that. Dated another a year older than me a year after that for 4 months as she took a liking to me and dropped that really quick. Who ever I click with, regardless of age is cool with me to see regularly and see where it goes. So age to me, really doesn't matter as opposed to compatibility. But theres a fine line between love and dating. Get that one straight.

Some say age matters, others do not. Depends who you talk to and if its hobby related or real world affairs. Having been in the hobby now for some time, age does not matter. A woman who I am very attracted to does. Originally Posted by Dr Grey
For lack of better words, I meant “dating” in the sense of what goes on in the the hobby. I didn’t want to be too blunt.

And yes — I’m glad that you acknowledge and respect boundaries.

In this corner of paradise, I’d imagine that there is a fine line between fantasy and reality, and it can be incredibly easy to cross the line, or blur it when emotions and hormones are high.