Worst provider & hobbyist names.. With happy endings

moneytalksny's Avatar
A review on a provider has me thinking of the worst names a hobbyist or provider can have for this game. It would also be interesting to hear about terrible names where things actually worked out.

Here are two to start...

Bertha.. Geezus christ..
Harriet.. Really???

John Handcock - beatin' off a little to often.

Money talks - what a lousy name.. Couldn't think of anything better and couldn't change it,

Mine sucks too. IDK what I was thinking. I should scrap it and start over.
perfectdevil's Avatar
I was thinking of starting over with a different name
moneytalksny's Avatar
Lol Harry.. I thought about listing yours a minute ago.

It could either be a pun on Vag or a Trans lover.
Harry FAGina.

I'm cool with either and you review establishes your intent but initially I was a little confused . How do you pronounce it???

Fuckingnewguy's Avatar
<———————- couldn’t think of anything else
Yep, mines one of the worst. It matches the email I use which I made as a kid. I spend my first message to providers explaining my name.
I have no fucking idea how I came up with this name....takes forever to type in though... fuck me
moneytalksny's Avatar
Are the 33 33 in your name supposed to be sets of balls?