The left is tyrannical, not Trump

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The left is tyrannical, not Trump

Aug 21, 2018 | 9:45 AM

In the fever swamp of leftist thought across America, but primarily on the east and west coasts, President Donald Trump is little more than a tyrant in waiting, if not already in action. The supposed latest proof of this is the removal of John Brennan's security clearance and the news that others might enjoy the same fate (“President Trump says he welcomes a lawsuit from former CIA director Brennan contesting his loss of a security clearance,” Aug. 20).

In the mind of collectivist Democrats and some Republicans who despise President Trump for his lack of class and vulgarian tendencies, this action is not only that of an evil autocrat but a violation of our sacred First Amendment. Never mind that there is no Constitutional right to any level of security clearance and that removal of such can be based on many factors, among them that the person is no longer employed by the government, has abused that clearance in the past or intends to use it for financial gain in the private sector.

President Trump, contrary to popular left-wing opinion of him, is no fool and only a fool would allow his political enemies — and Mr. Brennan has made it quite clear that he considers the president his enemy — access to potential ammunition to use against him in the press, especially when those political adversaries are no longer in government service.

This brings us to the canard that Mr. Brennan's free speech rights have been violated. It is the height of intellectual dishonesty to suggest that the loss of access to classified data is somehow akin to restricting one's right to criticize. Is Mr. Brennan's imagination and lexicon so limited that he is unable to find the words to disparage Mr. Trump without access to government secrets?

Has President Trump threatened to imprison him or James Clapper or any of the multitude of former Obama administration officials who daily make unfounded and outrageous claims against the new administration? Has he had Americans killed without due process like former President Barack Obama did when he had Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old old son dispatched in a drone strike in Yemen in 2011? He has not. In fact, the worst he has done is respond in kind on Twitter and take pot shots at the press at media events. He hasn't even taken any action in response to goading from both sides, to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Some tyrant.

The irony in all of this is that it is the left which is acting in a tyrannical manner across the spectrum. For example, in Congress, most if not all Democrats would be thrilled if the cynically-named Fairness Doctrine were re-instituted, which would result in the decimation, if not complete elimination of talk radio, one of the few areas where conservative voices, via the free market, dominate. No tyranny there.

The content algorithms used by Facebook, Twitter and other left-wing owned internet media giants consistently catch supposed hate speech by the right but rarely, if ever, by the left. Why is that?

Are we to believe that the left's rhetoric is always as pure as the driven snow? That would be nearly as difficult to believe as the media-fed fantasy that Antifa are actually benign, agreeable protesters exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to peacefully assemble to air their views and oppose fascism and who only resort to violence when physically assaulted. This, in contrast to the reality of black-clothed, balaclava-clad thugs who attack the police, throw feces and urine bombs, break windows and set dumpsters afire whenever and wherever they show up while threatening and shouting down any and all who dare oppose them. All in the name of tolerance, free speech and anti-fascism of course. Hypocrisy, anyone?

Who are the real fascists? Who are the real totalitarians? If President Trump is really the despot of the left's imagination, he's setting a damn poor example for the wannabe tyrants of the world to follow.

Robert Gellert, Glen Burnie
Add to that.. We've repeatedly seen those on the left call for not only Trump to be executed, but 'forced re-education', assaults on and other crimes, against those who supported Trump, by MANY on the left.. Often without one IOTA of condemnation by anyone in the media, or congress critters on the left.
YET if anyone dared say anything just "bad" about obama, and there were calls for their heads...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they have authoritarian tendencies.... but really theres a better name for them, Control Freaks.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
they have authoritarian tendencies.... but really theres a better name for them, RADICALS Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ftfy Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
yeah but, notice how controlling they are? Radicals they maybe, they are control freaks!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Add to that.. We've repeatedly seen those on the left call for not only Trump to be executed, but 'forced re-education', assaults on and other crimes, against those who supported Trump, by MANY on the left.. Often without one IOTA of condemnation by anyone in the media, or congress critters on the left.
YET if anyone dared say anything just "bad" about obama, and there were calls for their heads... Originally Posted by garhkal
OK, i hate like damn to get into this silly thread, but you just can’t say outrageous stuff like that without proving it in some way.

Please produce reports of those calls for Trum to be executed.

We’ll get to the rest after you prove that first outrageous claim, garkhal.

Thank you in advance.
lustylad's Avatar
OK, i hate like damn to get into this silly thread, but you just can’t say outrageous stuff like that without proving it in some way.

Please produce reports of those calls for Trump to be executed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here you go, yssup.... start @ 1:30.

Did you forget how Madonna wants to blow up the White House?

Tell us again - Who's saying "outrageous stuff"???
Yssup Rider's Avatar

So am I supposed to respond to this crackpot kid with a quote by Alex Jones? Or Richard Spencer? Or the white supremacists marching through the streets of Charlottsville chanting “Jews will not replace us?”

This is not proof of shit. Actually it is proof of shit.

If this is why garkhal posted that, then it speaks for itself. Maybe he can speak for himself too.

My point is that his post was laden with accusation and broad generalizations. The kid in your video is as much a spokesman for “the left” as Richard Spencer is for “the right.”

Do you agree that both are extreme views, brought to you by the First Amendment?
lustylad's Avatar

So am I supposed to respond to this crackpot kid with a quote by Alex Jones? Or Richard Spencer? Or the white supremacists marching through the streets of Charlottsville chanting “Jews will not replace us?”

This is not proof of shit. Actually it is proof of shit.

If this is why garkhal posted that, then it speaks for itself. Maybe he can speak for himself too.

My point is that his post was laden with accusation and broad generalizations. The kid in your video is as much a spokesman for “the left” as Richard Spencer is for “the right.”

Do you agree that both are extreme views, brought to you by the First Amendment? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're un-fucking-believable. You demanded proof. I gave it to you. Are your eyes lying now? You're not even worth debating.

You should apologize to garkhal for doubting his statement. If you have an ounce of integrity.

And if you think the First Amendment allows you to make death threats against the POTUS, call the Secret Service and try it.
Hotrod511's Avatar
You're un-fucking-believable. You demanded proof. I gave it to you. Are your eyes lying now? You're not even worth debating.

You should apologize to garkhal for doubting his statement. If you have an ounce of integrity.

And if you think the First Amendment allows you to make death threats against the POTUS, call the Secret Service and try it. Originally Posted by lustylad
bamscram's Avatar
Every time Trump bleats " no collusion" it reminds me of Dick Nixon's " I am not a crook".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lustylad, you posted a YouTube of a dipshit at a protest. That hardly proves garkhal’s sweeping indictment of “those on the left.” His rhetoric vilifies anybody to the left of what he considers to be center.

I’m no villain, but I did defend your right to be. I do not support the dipshit in the video. I do not support “forced re-education” as garkhal claims “those on the left” support. I have no idea what he’s even talking about, do you?

Please check your attitude, lustylad. I’m not any more willing to be insulted now than I was before the new rules were enacted. And garkhal STILL hasn’t responded.

Maybe when he does he can enlighten us on “forced re-education.”

I’m not the enemy here.
lustylad's Avatar
Lustylad, you posted a YouTube of a dipshit at a protest. That hardly proves garkhal’s sweeping indictment of “those on the left.” His rhetoric vilifies anybody to the left of what he considers to be center.

I’m no villain, but I did defend your right to be. I do not support the dipshit in the video. I do not support “forced re-education” as garkhal claims “those on the left” support. I have no idea what he’s even talking about, do you?

Please check your attitude, lustylad. I’m not any more willing to be insulted now than I was before the new rules were enacted. And garkhal STILL hasn’t responded.

Maybe when he does he can enlighten us on “forced re-education.”

I’m not the enemy here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're the one with the attitude, yssup. And you're insulting me by suggesting otherwise. Why don't you just hit the rtm button for every post in this forum except your own? You obviously feel threatened and insulted by the mere presence of other people who have the temerity to call out your lies.

You challenged garkhal to "produce reports of those calls for Trump to be executed". That's a direct quote. I furnished a video of antifa protesters (plural) openly calling for Trump to be executed. At that point, you should have said "oops, I was wrong." The fact that you didn't speaks volumes about your integrity.

You can still redeem yourself now by having the decency to apologize.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, we can all play "What About."

My point was that we have not "repeatedly seen those on the left call for not only Trump to be executed, but 'forced re-education.'"

Your YouTube is hardly proof of that. Had I posted it, you would be howling "FAKE NEWS." The entire story is slanted, pointed and tilted. I could post numerous videos of white supremacists threatening violence against their fellow Americans. Does that speak for "the right?"

No apology. Quit demeaning yourself. It's embarrassing.

And again, please lay off the insults, lustylad. That, too, is embarrassing.
they have authoritarian tendencies.... but really theres a better name for them, Control Freaks. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Hence i love calling them the Control-left, since they love using the alt-right for us.

OK, i hate like damn to get into this silly thread, but you just can’t say outrageous stuff like that without proving it in some way.

Here's plenty of other links..