A complement can make someones day!!

It made my evening and Im still enjoying the feeling!
I was with my “date” waiting to be seated in a nice restaurant.

An older afro american woman ( yes older than me) turned to me and said “ girl, you look soooo good" "mmmm mmm"
Then she turned to my date and told him " the smile on your face should be bigger, you are lucky to have all this" as she pointed up and down towards my body .. my date was smiling much bigger then...and he confirmed her statement

Then she said "those shoes, girl ...oh"

And we were seated

It doesnt matter how many men complement me in private,
One woman in public, it feels so good.
And I love feeling good


Motivated by lust....
Lets feel good together
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
moved to correct forum
mr. kite's Avatar
Well she said older
Chung Tran's Avatar
Afro? Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper

funny how one word, or partial word, can derail a good feeling story!

I will say, though, that lady's kind words were much nicer than Henry Higgins offered to HIS flower girl
CG2014's Avatar
What were you Complement with?

Steamed asparagus spears? Garlic mashed potatoes? Hollandaise? Béarnaise?

A Complement of roasted wild mushrooms medley always make my day.
I love to give strangers compliments...i can usually tell it takes them off guard but it usually gets a smile out of them

Sorry you’re getting trolled OP...don’t let that discourage you from participating here
I will say, though, that lady's kind words were much nicer than Henry Higgins offered to HIS flower girl Originally Posted by Chung Tran
From My Fair Lady: The Rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain...By George I think she's got it...

Flowergirl, that very nice. I'm sure you were on top of the world after that
bored@home's Avatar
I love stories like this, makes the entire day shine a little brighter. Don't sweat the smartasses (some good funny quips though )
Now, you just got to pay it forward x2.
Nice view on your avatar Analeese!!
It bugged me at first , but then I figured they just dont get it because its never happened to them.
Still smilin!
I agree! Great view...
No problem there - i love being kind!
Chung Tran's Avatar
this topic could really flourish as a discussion.. I really love the general premise, complimenting a stranger, but.. from my POV, what if the stranger is not receptive? what if he/she looks at you like, WTF? what if he/she looks at you funny, uncomfortable?

ideally, the response would be positive, like in your case. I have seen my sister toss a few compliments not dissimilar to yours, and people have been thankful, but looked uncomfortable.. like their space was invaded.. hard to explain.

I think it takes a certain kind of gregarious personality to pull it off. someone with high confidence. which is too bad. it really puts a governor on warm acts of kindness.
Ipthirteen1701's Avatar
Good on you, Flowergirl! We all love getting compliments. Kindness costs nothing and improves everyone's day.

A good female friend of mine got a flat tire a couple of weeks ago. The AAA guy who changed her tire told her that she was gorgeous before he left. She said she was smiling the rest of that week. I said that he was just bucking for a tip. (She actually is gorgeous and looks way younger than her age.)