guy gets fucked

johnnybax's Avatar
Sweet N Little's Avatar
twice ! ouch!!
PAPA JOE's Avatar
that's gotta hurt !
tia travels's Avatar
The guy in the 2nd truck looks like he purposely OPENED his door to knock the guy down some more.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What I’m seeing is a man standing with the truck door open and it begins to roll. He is then run over by his own truck. The second man is the driver of the second truck. He jumps out of his truck and sprints to catch and stop the first truck. The second man’s truck, with door open, also begins to roll and also runs over the first man. Double F$#ked!
johnnybax's Avatar
What I’m seeing is a man standing with the truck door open and it begins to roll. He is then run over by his own truck. The second man is the driver of the second truck. He jumps out of his truck and sprints to catch and stop the first truck. The second man’s truck, with door open, also begins to roll and also runs over the first man. Double F$#ked! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I like your analysis
berkleigh's Avatar
that sucks!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
that's gotta hurt ! Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
That's gonna leave a mark.

On body as well as mind.
pyramider's Avatar
Some days it does not pay to get out of bed.
otrdriver's Avatar
guess nobody told these idiots that when you get out PUT IT IN PARK OR SET THE BRAKE!!! lol
Funny how the vehicles never actually made contact with eachother.
Thats just ..... sad! I feel bad for laughing!
They're obviously related - dumb runs in the family!
I agree the apple cant fall very far from the tree... or in this case the truck.. lol