Congress Interruptus-Weiner Pulls Out

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Amid shouts of "Pervert!" and "Are you more than 7 inches" Rep. Anthony Weiner resigned from Congress today. Thanking his parents for the values they instilled in him, he apologized and stepped down. Obviously, this was hard on all concerned, but he maintained a stiff upper lip.

Weiner, dogged by his party for weeks, finally gave it up, rather than limp along. While officially a resignation, it is clear that he was sacked by his party, where he was a growing member.
A scandalous showing!

He is going to have his hands full.

An angry wife, a new baby soon and unemployed too. Welcome to Republica America.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 06-16-2011, 03:31 PM
I'm still wondering why Ginger Lee had to be represented by Gloria Aldredge. I wonder if Gloria goes out and finds these people so she can call a press conference to be in the news.

I had read many posts by Ginger Lee while she was a member of Not someone I would put too much faith in.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
One word describes Weiner... quitter.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Read between the lines.

Ginger Lee had absolutely no need for a lawyer (no crimes were committed by her) unless she wanted attention or a payday. There is one other reason she talked about her press conference. The democratic party wanted her to put pressure on Weiner through her democratic operative lawyer. If it did, it worked. Did the porn star press conference happen? No need, he resigned.
Why did Weiner hold out so long? The smart money says he was working a deal to leave. Kind of like the old joke; a young man shows up at a farmers house and says he will jump in the farmers septic tank for $5. He will jump in the septic tank, splash around, and get all crappy for only $5. The farmer is amused and calls his friends and family to come watch. They come up with the $5 and in the guy goes. He comes out covered in turds, piss, and condoms in his hair. The nasty mess then sits down on the front porch of the house and stretches out his feet to relax. The farmer is a bit distressed and asks if he is ready to head on down the road. The young man says he will leave the front porch and leave for $100. Weiner knew he was going but the longer he stayed the worse the stink. He will have a soft landing in a few months. That was the price the democrats had to pay for Weiner leaving. Both sides were playing hardball.
One word describes Weiner... quitter. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Yep, he should have allowed the process of ethics investigations to play out, like 'Bubba' Clinton did and in the end it might have been all about nothing like Clinton's situation. Impeached, but no big deal.

Weiner should consider running for president someday with Eric Holder, the current attorney general, they could be the Weiner-Holder ticket!!

Then we'd get back to having regular bimbo erruptions like we had with 'Bubba'.... boy do I miss those!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! We knew it would happen, but this is fast!

Longermonger's Avatar

See? THIS is why he's awesome. He was trying to tap DAT ASS while you Republicans were busy; texting young boys, having bathroom sex with men in airports, asking your parents to bribe your mistress/employee, getting your Mexican maid pregnant, getting busted for trying to give a BJ to an undercover cop in a public mens room, giving a BJ to a guy that was sleeping, and cheating on your wife with your ugly old mistress.
Longermonger's Avatar
One word describes Weiner... quitter. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa

That title is already taken.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can Longer Monger get any more boring and pathetic? You sound like Allen Colmes still defending Weiner and feeling sorry he resigned. I guess you are Allen from now on.
Longermonger's Avatar
Can Longer MongerOne word, please get any more boring and pathetic? You sound like Allen Related to Alan Colmes?Colmes still defending Weiner and feeling sorry he resigned. I guess you are Allen from now on.You guess wrong. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As I have stated before, Anthony Weiner was wrong to Tweet pictures of his penis. However, he did not break any laws. Nor did he break any House rules. He didn't even have actual sex with anyone! Technically, this is a NUDITY scandal, not a sex scandal. He got caught lying about it because he is bad at lying. I wanted him to offer to resign conditionally with David Vitter.
if he sent pictures to a minor he should be arrested. im sure there will be more to this in the next few days.
billtunes's Avatar
... not that anyone of us on this site should be passing any moral judgements ..!!
not that anyone of us are congressmen.
billtunes's Avatar
well yea. he"s just stupid.