great news.

6ULDV8's Avatar Originally Posted by deacon
U know, GW got elected a second term because he was a "war commander", who knows. lol.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the leak is accurate, let's pray we can stop this lunacy before it happens. There are already far too many tombstones in our national cemeteries.
simplyme's Avatar
Wow I believe a mystery "Specialist H"
Longermonger's Avatar
"we can confirm an apparent decision"

In other words, they can't confirm jack shit.
I'm quite sure that military planners have been told to make plans, just in case. It would be stupid under the situation not to be prepared. On the other hand, actually sending in troops is another issue, and I don't think Obama would try that now without congressional approval. The Supreme Court may slap Obama down a little bit even because of the current level of action in Libya.