ECCIE Tutorial for dummies (and me)!

SweetBlackPUSSY's Avatar
Will someone please help me I have been trying for 2 years to set up my account... again I draw a blank. I think I'm supposed to do my bio page but I can't figure out how to get to it sometimes it's here when I login sometimes it's not I tried to do it three times and all three of them delete it. Since I first seen them I've never been attracted to forums I just get a bad feeling when I see them and I can not work with thim they don't like me I don't like them but I need this site please help me I would greatly appreciate it. Okmwah1: I will prefer I mail because I work better with men I only work with men ladies no offense but I like what I like please if you have the time... Thanks in advance,
  • cboat
  • 09-02-2018, 08:10 AM
Have you tried contacting a site mod? I am sure they could help you out.
biomed1's Avatar
I would suggest that you contact the Ladies here or one of the Female Staff Members on instructions for setting up your Bio Page.

Hobbyists and the Male Staff do not have the requirement for a Bio Page nor the knowledge of how to create/post one.