
Hotrod511's Avatar

Not all Democrats want Obama's help.

Democratic candidates running in states that President Trump won by double digits in 2016 would prefer that the former president stay far away.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of obama

What on Earth is Obama doing?


Exhibit A is the list of people he snubbed in his endorsements. He did not endorse Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York's 14th Congressional District, nor Democratic senators facing tough elections battles like Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), or Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.). To be fair, his blessing might not be of that much use for those senators, and Ocasio-Cortez is safe in a deep-blue district.

But not only is Obama refusing to even endorse Jealous (who incidentally would be the first black governor in Maryland history), he is also campaigning openly for a deeply compromised white male billionaire. Pritzker is a man who is not just a milquetoast centrist with millions in overseas tax havens, but also was caught on federal wiretaps in 2008 cynically speculating with then-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) about how local black opinion might be manipulated through choice of appointment to Obama's vacant Senate seat.

looks like Obama is the swamp thing now.
LexusLover's Avatar
looks like Obama is the swamp thing now. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He's always been a "swamp thing"!

Obaminable reminds me of a fabric wall-hanging displayed by a businessman I knew well 30-40 years ago. It said something along the line of:

A good politician is one that when he's bought he stays bought.

MooseShell knows it, too!