Where is my access to the ladies section??

Was I gone that long? How do I get access again? Thanks.
request it to the mods again. Once it is set up you will get an email saying you have been inactive. Just log in again and everything will be good. Make sure you log in at least once during a 90 day period.
Awesomeness!!! Thanks.
Good luck I sent a email in 3 to 4 weeks ago and have heard nothing back as of yet.
Same here, Raina... about 2 weeks for me and nothing.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-16-2011, 10:07 PM
Send an email to powderroom@eccie.net to learn more and to request access.
Send an email to powderroom@eccie.net to learn more and to request access. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Thats where I sent it to!
I did the same as well when i was verified and still.....no access
Well dang, that sucks! I've been a member since 2009, but stopped being active....

Thanks Mokoa!!

Good luck ladies!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ladies, there are 4 lady mods on the site and they run and control everything to do with the Powder Room. Including access and moderation there. They are also the only four out of the 80K+ members here that can answer any of your questions, beyond us giving you the email address above.

FYI, this link will tell you who they are and their contact info; look at the very bottom of that page.

4 lady mods for 80k plus people? Holy cow sounds like ECCIE needs to go on a hiring spree!
I have not been able to access the Ladies Comfort Zone. I was verified a little over a week ago...I thought it was automatic.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-18-2011, 10:54 PM
I have not been able to access the Ladies Comfort Zone. I was verified a little over a week ago...I thought it was automatic. Originally Posted by MochaFun4U
Access to the Infoshare and Powder Room forums is not automatic for Verified Providers. There is a separate process for obtaining access to those forums.

Send an email to powderroom@eccie.net to learn more and to request access.
Wow - I'm surprised there aren't more lady moderators than that out of 80,000. Whatcha doin to scare them away, Chica Chaser? hehe
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Wow - I'm surprised there aren't more lady moderators than that out of 80,000. Whatcha doin to scare them away, Chica Chaser? hehe Originally Posted by AimeeAims
Nah Aimee, most folks here behave pretty well. The lady mods do all the Powder Room stuff, monitor ads here, mentor many of the new ladies....plus run their own businesses to boot. Time management and organizational skills are critical!!