This from vox...not the most right wing website.
I guess not much is sticking to the wall anymore!!
What the "Left" will do now is just make up shit. After all, the entire MSM is sold out to the Socialist/Liberal/Progressive movement.

We have all heard the saying......."if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody hears it, did it make a sound"

The Main Stream Media has modified that to say........"if nothing happened, but we report that something did happen, it becomes real"

This, of course is a takeoff on the old Joseph Goebbles rule......"repeat the lie enough times, and it becomes the truth"
Vox sucks, especially articles written by Ezra Klein. They are just an arm of the Democratic Socialist party.

Saw an article yesterday that most of the people in the Senate Viewing Gallery that were thrown out last week had to have a pass SIGNED BY A SENATOR in order to gain access. So this was just totally stage. The gun control guy who tried to shake Kavanaugh's hand was totally staged by the Democrats. The shrieking people totally staged. All the outbursts were planned and coordinated by Schumer, Fienstein, Booker and others.

The big take away is it was also coordinated with the media. Didn't hear any media outlet describe this Dem plan. In listening to the MSM, you'd think it was all spontaneous and a "happy accident."
Vox sucks, especially articles written by Ezra Klein. They are just an arm of the Democratic Socialist party.

Saw an article yesterday that most of the people in the Senate Viewing Gallery that were thrown out last week had to have a pass SIGNED BY A SENATOR in order to gain access. So this was just totally stage. The gun control guy who tried to shake Kavanaugh's hand was totally staged by the Democrats. The shrieking people totally staged. All the outbursts were planned and coordinated by Schumer, Fienstein, Booker and others.

The big take away is it was also coordinated with the media. Didn't hear any media outlet describe this Dem plan. In listening to the MSM, you'd think it was all spontaneous and a "happy accident." Originally Posted by gnadfly
the MSM has, for at least 40 years, accepted dim stunts at face value with an awe as if all the fake protests and lies were the voice of an entire nation

what they haven't quite learned yet, however, is they can no longer determine or sway public opinion despite their foot stamping
the MSM has, for at least 40 years, accepted dim stunts at face value with an awe as if all the fake protests and lies were the voice of an entire nation

what they haven't quite learned yet, however, is they can no longer determine or sway public opinion despite their foot stamping Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
" foot stomping " is usually what SKUNKS do right before they SPEW their malodorous liquid. JUST LIKE LYING LIBERALS !
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's see how many Democratic Senators have the balls to vote for him.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Jungle Animal Face Kavaunaugh is a liar plain and simple. He's lied about his views on Roe v Wade, he's lied about not being an activist hack judge appointed only to semen shield for President Tramp..so many other lies the Republicunts in Congress shielded him from by not releasing the documents.
winn dixie's Avatar
Jungle Animal Face Kavaunaugh is a liar plain and simple. He's lied about his views on Roe v Wade, he's lied about not being an activist hack judge appointed only to semen shield for President Tramp..so many other lies the Republicunts in Congress shielded him from by not releasing the documents. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
^^^ Kinda like the emails Hillary deleted....... hahahahahaha
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^^^ Kinda like the emails Hillary deleted....... hahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie

While I realize it feels good to bring up Hillary. The fact is she's neither President nor vying to serve on the SCOTUS. Nor is she involved in any governing politics. So feel free to beat the ground where that dead horse use to lay to run away from current realities but those of us (like myself) who are wise we see all through the facade ;-)

I know you're hurting and it shows.
bambino's Avatar
While I realize it feels good to bring up Hillary. The fact is she's neither President nor vying to serve on the SCOTUS. Nor is she involved in any governing politics. So feel free to beat the ground where that dead horse use to lay to run away from current realities but those of us (like myself) who are wise we see all through the facade ;-)

I know you're hurting and it shows. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Obama’s legacy is all but gone and Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the SCOTUS. We know you’re hurting. It’s obvious. We’ll send you a cold watermelon.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Obama’s legacy is all but gone and Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the SCOTUS. We know you’re hurting. It’s obvious. We’ll send you a cold watermelon. Originally Posted by bambino

Make sure you do. I love cold watermelon. You'll be my angel if you do. As for legacy Obama's legacy is enhanced by Trumps presence. Those of us that understand how politics work we understand ;-)

The whole world including our allies LOVE Obama. That's something Trump wants badly but can't have and will never obtain. In fact he wants to be loved like Obama so badly till he's getting it from anywhere he can; namely; from despots and dictators

Even his wife follows Obama on Twitter. He's jealous because Obama is a stud and he's not. He's a senile old man suffering from dementia from untreated Syphilis he contracted 30 yrs ago. His envy of Obama is legendary. He will go to his grave with Obama's dick in his mouth.

As for executive orders. The next Dem president will restore everything Obama put in place with world leaders and render Trump meaningless. This game will be played out over the next 5 decades which in effect means Obama and his legacy of change will live on.

I needed to educate on that as I'm sure you don't know how this process works.

Time to go cut up a fresh batch of watermelon.
Obama’s legacy is all but gone Originally Posted by bambino
obama's legacy remains

dour anti-americanism and divisiveness

blaming bad results on another to protect an empty self and reaping where he did not sow to bolster an empty self
I B Hankering's Avatar
^^^ Kinda like the emails Hillary deleted....... hahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fascinating how they could produce all of Kavanaugh's emails from 2002 in lss than 60 days, but after almost six years they're still looking for hildebeest's emails from 2009.

While I realize it feels good to bring up Hillary. The fact is she's neither President nor vying to serve on the SCOTUS. Nor is she involved in any governing politics. So feel free to beat the ground where that dead horse use to lay to run away from current realities but those of us (like myself) who are wise we see all through the facade ;-)

I know you're hurting and it shows.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
But it was hildebeest's financier who was caught passing out money to the protesters at Kavanaugh's hearing, and it was a hildebeest minion in hildebeest's "#Resist" movement that started a Twitter storm about a Mexican-Jew flashing a so-called *white supremacist* sign.
LexusLover's Avatar
While I realize it feels good to bring up Hillary. The fact is she's neither President nor vying to serve on the SCOTUS. Nor is she involved in any governing politics. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Glad to see that makes you happy.
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1060891076]Fascinating how they could produce all of Kavanaugh's emails from 2002 in lss than 60 days, but after almost six years they're still looking for hildebeest's emails from 2009.[/QUOTE]

It's not that strange when you consider, WHO was doing the 'finding'..