Play Ball

Gents, have you had this happen to you?

Ladies, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this puzzling issue.

This has happened to me more than once. I'm getting some head and I ask my lady friend to suck or lick my balls to which I am told "I don't do that". Ok, she's sucking me uncovered like a Hoover vacuum and has most likely coaxed at least a drop or two out of me. She's even said she allows CIM so why wouldn't she go just a few inches below and give my scrotum a polishing? There's no issue with my hygiene--I'm clean and shaven. This is all quite a mystery to me.

Ladies and gents, I'd love to get your input.
Yes pretty much the same as you described.
Mature Companion's Avatar
It's simple. It's a job to them. Not an enjoyment. So they could care less what you enjoy. They're there just to get you to release and be done with you.

Sad but so damn true!!
I have read many of provider profiles stating they truly enjoyed what they do. I have been with providers that aim to please and prove it. The ones that care less what i enjoy, do not get repeats or tips. Chances are in some cases I would charge up quicker for the release if they followed my request. My reply to the ops question was not intended for all providers. I do realize it is a job and if a donation wasn't involved it wouldn't be a meet.
Brittanylovenu's Avatar
As a provider or fellow hobbyist (because I have day job as well) I understand both sides I have tried to dbl with girls that were not into full dbls yet wanted or expected dbl pay, and claim to be dbl friendly only to let my guys down which looks poorly on myself because they want the benefits without work.when I am asked before encounter if I am willing to do x,y, and z my answer is simply complex I can't say I don't do this or that I like that. I may have had a bad Greek experience or not enjoyed it with one but be able to ebjoy another experience with another. Also, certain things I choose to do solely for my loyal regulars and mvp's. They go above my expectations and do certain things for me that they dont do for all providers so I return the favor and reward them as well as my way of tipping. I think most women don't play with balls because of lack of skill or handling knowledge and desire to learn and become more comfortable in dealing with them. We are taught it's the weakest part of a man and to only mess with it when in danger to inflict pain and if I'm not trying to hurt you then I shouldn't mess with them even if you say to or ask me to it goes against the mindset and could be intimidating to some I suppose, or at least it use to be for me until I was taught other wise and cultivated my skill
We are taught it's the weakest part of a man and to only mess with it when in danger to inflict pain and if I'm not trying to hurt you then I shouldn't mess with them even if you say to or ask me to it goes against the mindset and could be intimidating to some I suppose, or at least it use to be for me until I was taught other wise and cultivated my skill Originally Posted by Brittanylovenu
I had a girlfriend (allegedly) who would not touch my balls at all. I asked her about it one time and she said that she had been yelled at and told "never to touch a guys balls" by a couple previous BF's.

Of course she also thought she was incapable of having more than one orgasm a day, didn't like getting her pussy licked, and now she's in prison. Hmmm. I wonder if that is a lesson for women... don't play with balls, don't like DATY, and doesn't believe in multiple orgasms then you'll end up in prison? Or it could be she was just a thieving dope fiend and got caught. Hahahahahahaha!
HardW00d's Avatar
Back to the OP, you have found some ladies that don't enjoy what they do. When this happened to me, I started seeing well reviewed and experienced ladies that really enjoyed giving pleasure. The best claim to have an oral fetish. That's what I would recommend -need to change your hobby habits to spend time with ladies that truly enjoy giving pleasure.
Mi11ybbwcutie's Avatar
Crazy legs it sounds like you miss me darling ��
Mi11ybbwcutie's Avatar
Crazy legs it sounds like you miss me darling 😘