Is Gina West really available?

Tex9401's Avatar
Have tried to make any contact with her? Did you try to talk to her like civil person? If not, then how are you to meet her?
hotrix1's Avatar
I've met her at a mutual friend's party and gave her a backrub while she sat on my lap. Cool chick, and she was def in great shape last time I saw her which had to have been last fall. Toned and tanned.
she is the real deal, funny sexy as hell and can suck golf balls through a garden hose, dont miss her if you get a chance, she has an Eros ad , very real
hotrix1's Avatar
We would like to get a blow by blow review if you don't mind.
We would like to get a blow by blow review if you don't mind. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Gina West/Toni Bolla used to be a competitive bodybuilder, but has moved onto porn and also to be playing the stock market.
Incredible body, (5'3", she's 51 and looks mid 30's) uninhibited, really bi, but she is "bat shit crazy"...and that can be appealing.
She thinks she's being stalked by the govt and people keep screwing with her internet activities. If you can get past that , she's a great wild ride.
Jade Green's Avatar
Hello, hellooo ��