Good places to eat in Witchita???

Kinkikandi's Avatar
Hey I am in Witchita til Friday morning.I need some suggestions on some good places to eat. I am staying in Northeast Wichita and really want some good local food. Any suggestions will be sooooo appreciated.. Please reply here or shoot me a PM. Thanks bunches❤
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  • 09-12-2018, 03:27 PM
Bella Luna Cafe - Mediteranian
Mediterranean Grill

The Anchor - Great local bar and grill

Doo Da Diner
Larkspur - Upscale

Thai Tradition
Oh Yea (Chineese)
Manna Wok Best Mom & Pop Korean place

I will try to think of more local, not chain places
Kinkikandi's Avatar
Thank you so very much for assisting me. So many good choices.
JackJohnson's Avatar
I second a lot of these suggestions, in that part of town you can go high end (Chester's Chophouse) or something simple as Meddy's (great chicken Schwarma)

Avoid the chains! there is enough good local food to keep you going. I see you left this morning, but when you come back, you'll have a great working list!

Oak and Pie is a more limited chain, but they have good Italian, and if you like wood fired pizza, you can't go wrong with El Vincino!

Good eating!