Ad posting issue....

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Seems there is a lil issue with being able to post ads so I'm just gonna drop a lil note here and if anyone wants to let SBC and surrounding areas know they're available this weekend, maybe comment here? Just trying to make it a lil easier

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend...I'll be playing in FUNROE and maybe a lil bit in Bossier

MuffinMan's Avatar
MP...your ad is approved and is visible, the only problem is it doesn't show as 1st in the outside que. I even logged off and went to ECCIE ss a guest/nonmember. I can see your ad that way and so can everyone else. Try logging off, clearing your cache and serif ou can see your ad without actually signing if as your handle.

It may be just a glitch...But your ad is visible, I assure you!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I could finally see it very early this morning....still working on the other posting issue

Thanks so much for your help on that
LehaLea's Avatar
My ad is not posting or showing either
MuffinMan's Avatar
My ad is not posting or showing either Originally Posted by LehaLea
All ads now must be moderated and approved before they can be seen. Sorry, Leah, but we Mod's don't stay signed in constantly waiting. Please understand that we have lives and family and will get to everyone's ads in a reasonable amount of time. We are unpaid volunteers trying to do our part.

I just saw and approved your ad along with three more.

You ladies be safe,
LehaLea's Avatar
Oh ok i did not know thanks for the info and i totally understand
Jade1979's Avatar
All ads now must be moderated and approved before they can be seen. Sorry, Leah, but we Mod's don't stay signed in constantly waiting. Please understand that we have lives and family and will get to everyone's ads in a reasonable amount of time. We are unpaid volunteers trying to do our part.

I just saw and approved your ad along with three more.

You ladies be safe,
MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
Your mailbox is full and I posted yesterday and you have logged in since then. So what I need to do to help this process along.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Jade...I'm on my first cup of coffee and just approved your Ad. My mailbox is far from full. I have room for a few thousand more PMs, so feel free to drop me a note.
Jade1979's Avatar
My apologies it is a way to talk to people. I'm on my first cup also.
It might be my browser cause I tried to message someone else and it said mailbox full.

Again my apologies for the rudeness so early.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Muffy: Get off your ass and do your freakin job! You make five times what I did when I moderated!!!

WAIT! 5 x 0 = 0.

Never mind. Love you!

34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
On the subject of update posting issues.
Sorry majic not trying to hijack your thread just a quick question as maybe other ladies are running into same issues.
I attempt to post pictures on updates and every few weeks it goes back to telling me I'm age incorrect size, yet it works every few tries with same image. Any ideas what this blonde might be doing incorrectly?