What's your price

Has anyone had any experience with What's Your Price? I'm seeing an interesting mix on there. College students, single mothers, and what looks to me may be providers. Providers, are any of you using it? Some of the date incentives are similar to what a normal provider may be asking for.
jokacz's Avatar
90% Canadians
90% Canadians Originally Posted by jokacz
Not true. Those that I have had contact with have confirmed that they are local to me.
jokacz's Avatar
Not true. Those that I have had contact with have confirmed that they are local to me. Originally Posted by mikehawke

Depends on where you are and what filters you use.

Within 100 miles of Buffalo it's mostly Toronto, which makes sense given its huge population.
Depends on where you are and what filters you use.

Within 100 miles of Buffalo it's mostly Toronto, which makes sense given its huge population. Originally Posted by jokacz
I'm in Binghamton.

The question remains, have any hobbyists had experience using the site?

While there are well reviewed and respected providers in the area, none of them in Binghamton suit my tastes.
I am on there but never use it. Just trollin' on there. It is somewhat of an outshoot of SA and I notice some SA girls are on there, also.
I like SA a lot better. It's a lot easier to communicate what you want on SA.
Has there been success on SA?
jokacz's Avatar
Has there been success on SA? Originally Posted by mikehawke

Depends on how you define success. The ones on here who like it seem to have their taste in their ass. So their credibility leaves much to be desired. Plus it's much too time consuming.
Has there been success on SA? Originally Posted by mikehawke
Love SA. I have all kinds of success like some others. Currently getting blown by three different Sugar Babies. The oldest is 25. The youngest is a very cute, extremely busty, 21 yr old college girl.

I message all the time. I do platonic meet & greet dates and I got my line of bullshit down due to practice on the site.

The membership is $90/month. It's work. I may be difficult to pull off if you are married. It's YMMV or find your own Sugar Baby.
Plus it's much too time consuming. Originally Posted by jokacz
The hunt adds to the excitement.
I agree, have had excellent luck with SA. A little time consuming and there is a little bullshit you have to go through, but well worth it. However, has anyone else noticed the girls are getting more and more bullshitty on there? Seems like I'm getting more girls who want to scam me out of cash than ever before.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I agree, have had excellent luck with SA. A little time consuming and there is a little bullshit you have to go through, but well worth it. However, has anyone else noticed the girls are getting more and more bullshitty on there? Seems like I'm getting more girls who want to scam me out of cash than ever before. Originally Posted by Maxwell1970
Because dumb asses fall for the bullshit and they get paid and you wont tell anyone.
blackops2424's Avatar
I just renewed my SA membership this morning, haven’t renewed since May as I have 3 regular girls from there that aren’t even on the site anymore that I see.

In literally hours I had options to bang 3 chicks at a reasonable price point tonight. A few texts and pics exchanged and I made my selection. I’ll be traveling to see a young hot 25 year old this evening.

No time limits and rush jobs and less traffic is what I prefer.

SA def works but if you go in thinking of them as “providers” it won’t work for you
jokacz's Avatar
SA def works but if you go in thinking of them as “providers” it won’t work for you Originally Posted by blackops2424

Which is one reason that shit doesn't belong here.

It's a half assed bastardization of dating and sugar babies.

They have a SB section over in National.

Use it