Jorden/crystal ann

Has anybody seen her lately. I spoke her her today. She seemed very coherent. She is now off of main near Hertel
Link, #, something ???
Zollner's Avatar

Still uses her old pics from several years ago when she was fun. Stopped seeing her when she got weird from some bad habits she developed.
Yah, avoid.
cale1964's Avatar
I personally liked her quite a bit. However, the last time I spoke with her, she was absolutely incoherent on the phone and I gave up. I hope she is doing better. Even Samantha Sinclair gave up on her I believe....
  • jackm
  • 09-21-2018, 12:46 PM
A tiger doesn't change their stripes
cable you mentioned Samantha,haven't seen her ads for ages.
cale1964's Avatar
I think/know she is retired. We are like "vanilla" friends on Facebook...sad I know....
DDarkness's Avatar
She was fun when I saw her. I am really sorry to hear this though