ECCIE Staff Addition - OldSarge

Please help me welcome OldSarge to the ECCIE moderator family.

OldSarge will be assisting in moderating the Austin forums.

Welcome brother, have fun and be safe!

Great choice! We'll be spit shined and polished in no time! Thanks Sarge!
Glad to have ya, buddy! Good man for the job.

St. C
gfejunkie's Avatar
Welcome to the fold, old friend. We're glad you're here.

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Fair and balanced, baby! Heckuva fine choice.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Awesome pick...Welcome
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
A perfect choice for the job!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Welcome, Sarge!

. . . But please tell us that you don't have push-ups on your agenda!
Welcome, welcome! I enjoy your posts and look forward to more of them =) Glad you're aboard!
Nadiya's Avatar
WELCOME back again!!!!
IT IS great to have you here as a MOD!
Old Sarge is a great guy and a great choice. Now if we could just get Durango to sign on the dotted line as well,we would have the Dream Team.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-28-2010, 09:01 PM
Good to hear that. Congratulations.
DallasRain's Avatar
welcome babe!!