🎀Help Needed🎀

AhanaJourney's Avatar
hey y'all
So as most of you dont know i have recently been sick for the past 2 or 3 weeks i lost count with flu/mona my fever is back to normal. I am in a bit of a pickle and if anyone could donate a gift that would be awesome as tomorrow the 22nd is my daughters 12th bday of course being sick and all I havent been able to work. Just thought Id ask closed mouths dont get fed so I have been told. anyways my phone bill is also over due so the best way to get a hold of me would be thru email AhanaJourney@gmail.com
Doesnt have to be anything fancy gift cards would even do.

Thanks 🎁Ahana Journey🎁
31.759.9074 I was able to get a 48hr extension on my phone.
  • jwj6o
  • 09-23-2018, 01:05 AM
email you