the amazin 8k ...plastic man HUGE news!!!

Plastic Man's Avatar
guys the celebration ...has started in honor of yer ...plastic man ...makin 8000 incredible posts rights here on the beloved ...jimmie board!

...plastic man ...wants ta take time ta thanks ...the overworked an under ...appreciated jimmie mods who done ...been ...instrumental in helpin along the way

...ta the many ...friends ...who done sought council at ...plastic mans ...table please know that ya valued an loved

...ta the funnels outs there yer ...plastic man ...fergives yer trespass buts still holds ...ya in contempt now ta ...cap off this achievement ...plastic man ...would likes ta announce his brand holiday spectacular song ...single which will droppin in november!

...may our lord jesus ...christ bless you alls an may donald ...john fucking trump slay the neo-marxist leftist ...shitlords who be destroyin murica
lilylivered's Avatar
guys the celebration ...has started in honor of yer ...plastic man ...makin 8000 incredible posts rights here on the beloved ...jimmie board!

...plastic man ...wants ta take time ta thanks ...the overworked an under ...appreciated jimmie mods who done ...been ...instrumental in helpin along the way

...ta the many ...friends ...who done sought council at ...plastic mans ...table please know that ya valued an loved

...ta the funnels outs there yer ...plastic man ...fergives yer trespass buts still holds ...ya in contempt now ta ...cap off this achievement ...plastic man ...would likes ta announce his brand holiday spectacular song ...single which will droppin in november!

...may our lord jesus ...christ bless you alls an may donald ...john fucking trump slay the neo-marxist leftist ...shitlords who be destroyin murica Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Well.... I guess congrats?
And the Golden Dildo award goes to...
DDarkness's Avatar

Yer a quarter a the whey to OCD's 32K
offshoredrilling's Avatar


at almost 60k go for passing her Sir
Just think Plas it have taken ya lo ger had Paulie not booted ya off T.O.S.
I haven't been able to understand any of them....
Numbers Game's Avatar
8k posts, no reviews, congrats on accomplishing nothing special
Plastic Man's Avatar
8k posts, no reviews, congrats on accomplishing nothing special Originally Posted by Numbers Game
this joyous ...plastic man ...thread aints abouts filthy neo ...marxist shit stain balack obummer so takes yer ...hatred of murica the fucks outs ...the door
Plastic Man's Avatar
Just think Plas it have taken ya lo ger had Paulie not booted ya off T.O.S. Originally Posted by TechnoViking
ya mean the failed ...board where the cuck ...squad was handed their peckers ...on a platter by the bloated funnel ...brigade yas talkin ...bouts fat paulies personal cuck where yer ...plastic man actively engaged in tryin ta restore ...his shattered manhood?
Chica Chaser's Avatar