Careful with your Canada Reviews

Fair warning -- Gman is back as a modtard.
You all remember Gman?
He's the Geography Major that moved all of our Niagara Falls reviews from Upset to Toronto.
He was removed as a modtard from this area. I can't believe he's been given this area back.
Also added as a modtard is some Texas guy who couldn't get a Texas assignment....

Anyways -- if you are going to be fool enough to post reviews here in Upset.... they will be moved.
Fool me once.....
SammyGold's Avatar
I don't even see the Canada board anywhere. And the Upstate Niagara link doesn't work.

Planning a trip up north and was planning to post in upstate since I don't see any other options.
I don't even see the Canada board anywhere. And the Upstate Niagara link doesn't work.
Originally Posted by SammyGold
And it's still busier there now than when Gman moved the suckers....l
DDarkness's Avatar

The Nigagra Encounter reports are not going ANYwhere for the time being! Lets welcome the new MODS and I'm going to appreciate their help! Oh and Sam knows his stuff and Gman recognized geographic borders ... ONE THING AT A TIME!

Fair warning -- Gman is back as a modtard.
You all remember Gman?
He's the Geography Major that moved all of our Niagara Falls reviews from Upset to Toronto.

if you are going to be fool enough to post reviews here in Upset.... they will be moved.
Fool me once..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

The Nigagra Encounter reports are not going ANYwhere for the time being! Originally Posted by DDarkness
"For the time being"
I understand perfectly.....
Fool me TWICE....
  • butch
  • 09-27-2018, 07:50 AM
So sharing Southern Ontario encounters on Upstate NY is not allowed?
DD says it's allowed.
Scarecrow is still hiding and has yet to say one word about anything in Upset.
And Gman is chomping at the bit to move them all to Nova Scotia.
DDarkness's Avatar
So sharing Southern Ontario encounters on Upstate NY is not allowed? Originally Posted by butch

YES post them HERE!!!!

Post 'em here....
Read them wherever Gman moves them....
All those Niagara Falls reviews became useless the moment they were moved....
Remember that.