(I'm pretty sure my iPhone says right on the box, "Not to be inserted in any bodily orifice")
That had to hurt going in...
"I'm thinking 'bout good vibrations, they're giving me an ex-ci-tation".
well that was the idea anyway..
Wonder if she got a busy signal or a message that her inbox had not been set yet.
Like the following really needs to be said, but apparently so:
“Samsung is definitely at fault here as they offer no warning about the dangers and potential risks during the insertion of their products inside their clients male or female body cavities or genitals” Salma Briant’s lawyer, Jim McAfee said in court.
Nothing like trying to make bank on one's own stupidity. Hopefully the jury isn't as incompetent as her.
And do you think they were drinking just a little:
"Briant said she first inserted the cell phone inside her vagina as a dare from one of her friends but quickly realized that the phone would not come out. I wanted to see how it would feel to put my cell phone on vibration mode inside of me, just for fun, but it soon turned out to be a nightmare,” she told judge Andrew Peterson in tears.
Could have been worse if she used the vibrate mode for too long and caused the battery to catch fire and explode.
Are people really spending money and time on this stupidity. We have bigger and more important problems in this country to deal with besides this morons stupid and dumb stunt to put her cell phone where the sun don't shine.... I wonder what drugs she was high on to even consider her phone. There is a condoms to go store that sells vibrators for cheap.SMH!!!