Interesting to hear what crimes you have been a victim of. Mine:
- car radio stolen
- laptop stolen on the street (knife attack)
- phone stolen (by a landscaping company worker)
no one has ever stolen jack shit from me mano a mano, and no one ever will. they take one look at me and it's, "umm, ya no this probably isn't the best idea we've ever come up with."Don't have to be mano a mano when a woman does it to you. Got that bike key back yet?
i used to not lock my car or my house cause my condo complex is so safe, but had some druggie neighbors move in, and they helped themselves to a spare speaker and my tire changing kit from my car. not cool at all, and they're lucky they lived to tell their tale of fuckery.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Don't have to be mano a mano when a woman does it to you. Got that bike key back yet?that's different sir. women comprise the "weaker sex." change the fact pattern to "her pimp had my bike key" and totally different outcome...
Only the lucky won't experience the wrath of that bear spray of yours.Originally Posted by DeepPurple
I was jacked at gunpoint to my dome for my patent leather Jordan's, Starter cap, Leather jacket, and gold watch when I was 18. A friend saw me getting jacked and he rolled up with another cat drew down and got me my shit back. Of course I started talking mad shit to the jacker once I saw my boys had the drop on him.
And another time I got caught slippin on South Main by club Carrington's and got car jacked. I gave it up and that's why I'm hear today.hi mom
Those days are long gone. I'm a hawk on security now and I'm a pretty good marksman. You live you learn.
And one time I got knocked the fucked out by a hood bully. He suckered punched me and when I woke up I was in the middle of the street. I couldnt get revenge because he died in a shootout with someone 2 weeks later. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel