TheDaliLama's Avatar
1) nothing is credible just because one says so.
2) mount smears is not mounting evidence..

Everyday the vote is delayed the more salacious the next smear will be..

Put a cork in this BS, call it what it is and vote.
Vote on it and accept the consequences.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Which will be grave?
Which will be grave? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It certainly could be, depending on your perspective.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump has threatened violence.
When was the last time there was "violence" from the right?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uh... really???

I see a lot of violence there
Maybe it's that SCARY looking gun!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What planet are you living on bb1961?

I’m not trying to be argumentative, but your denial of violence from the right is not credible.

Admit you were wrong.
You posted a pic and said that's violence...RIDICULOUS!!
You need to come up with SOMETHING a little better
That photo is not incredible nothing burger!!
I'm sure this isn't violence to you...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You denied violence from the right. I mentioned Charlottesville. The picture was t good enough for you.

Is that your complaint? You want to get into a picture posting match?

YES...please show me violence just as I showed you...busting someone head open is violence in my book...
I just simply asked were was the violence in the pic you posted...I don't consider a man holding a gun violence.
Is this some serious violence.
Violence worked against Hitler.

The United States saved millions of lives through violence in WW2.

The Republicans need to defend Kavanaugh against the false memory of this lady who was apparently attacked by someone else.
Wakeup's Avatar