Encounter: First meeting in the “Raven’s Nest”

Date: 1st week September
Name: Raven
Phone: 417-340-2373
Email Address: CravinRaven2@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=406951
City: Springfield
State: Missouri
Address: Near Bass Pro
Activities: MSOG +
Hair Length and Color: Brunette, shoulder or slightly longer
Age: 40
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Larger from waist down, but beautiful eyes and put together well
Recommendation: Yes
Activities: MSOG +

Thank you for submitting an encounter report. In order for you to receive Premium Access credit, we will need a representative list of activities that took place. Simply stating something other than a list of activities does not qualify the report for PA credit.

Respond to this PM with the missing information and I will edit the report and approve for PA credit if enough details are provided.
Not sure what to put. The ROS explains the activities, so do you want them listed in public activities as well?