As anyone on this site knows, there is a member constantly being banned repeatedly, many refer to him as WW, Wolfie etc amongst many other handles, he gets banned after 2 days on average, yet manages to create yet another handle and re-emerges. Moderators are pretty quick to ban him, yet he doesn't or won't stay off this site. What else can be done to prevent this or any other problematic person from getting past being banned. The current method is ineffective and only slows wolf down not stops him. Recently wolf sent out fake private messages/emails to companions or something to that effect, anytime he's on any of the forums he has nothing but hate speech, insults and just plain stupidity to offer, he starts new threads with these long lists of ignorance to put it mildly and most recently signed up as "level42" (now banned) he made statements regarding "robbery" check the thread started by him in amp/spas houston in reference to "Robbery at Dream spa" and "Robbers beware Foogle massage". Just this week an indy in chinatown was robbed of her money, security has been beefed up by the way, and this guy comes on here once again talking in reference to
"robbers beware", I'm not the most educated person on this site, but anyone with a bit of common sense can clearly read between the lines as level42 brags about robbing, he just can't resist the urge not to brag. Perhaps administration and/or moderators will have to take a hard line measure to prevent this guy from having access to this site by not allowing new sign ups in Houston, perhaps that's asking to much or due to recent problems by this single guy, they will have to change the methods of site by requiring personal information other than a simple email. What are your thoughts. I'm not pointing blame at moderators or admin, I'm sure they too wish this guy would simply stay gone. This guy will chime into any forum and spew his thoughtless hatred at anyone on this site, no one is off limits from his rants. He's hell bent on cuasing nothing but trouble, so don't be surprised when it affects you. He's been banned at least 15 maybe 20 times in these last two months. He told me via private message, when I asked him how he manages to log back in under a new handle, that
'you can get cell phones for cheap" apparently he just goes and buys another one each time or has a stock pile of them readily available. Thanks.