Judge Kavanaugh is innocent

oilfieldace's Avatar
There is nothing that could come out of this investigation that would change the rats mind. The Minnesote lady Senator is campaigning for Ellison for that states AG. There are pictures of what Ellison was accused of, yet she is standing behind him??? Hypocrisy much??????
sean rider's Avatar
You can't possibly know whether he is guilty or innocent. You are just following the drumbeat of your tribal elders.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I know Ford is a lying bitch. A person with zero moral character. Stick that up your tribal ass
oilfieldace's Avatar
Even not so Feinstein knows the bitch isn't credible and that is the reason she sat on it for 2 months. Then after failing to stop the man on merit, they threw shit at the wall to see what would stick. As it turns out facts have no bearing on you left wing morons decision making ability. It is a fact that once you are an abuser you don't just stop. Martinez and that other bitch sweet nick allegations or ridiculous on face value. In this country you should make decisions on evidence . This PHD said she didn't know how to contact her U.S. Senator so she went to her Rep. She wants the FBI to see when Judge worked at Safeway so she can better tell her lie.did she ever think of calling Safeway? Why did she need 10 days to formulate her story, it's been 36 years??? She is afraid to fly yet flies all over the world? Look at the ugly bitches 15 year old photo, there isn't enough beer in Texas for me to try to hit that. Ford is fucking liar and should be put in jail!!!
sean rider's Avatar
There are facts, and then there is how those facts are revealed.

While some might not like the way the Dems handled the facts, that does nothing to change the facts. Many feel Feinstein was simply honoring Ford's request that her story not be revealed to the public.

But even if you think the Dems withheld the facts for a strategic last minute attack, that doesn't mean that Ford wasn't attacked by Kavanaugh. Nor does it mean the other two women are lying.

There are two instructions judges will often give the jury. The first is that testimony given by a victim is indeed evidence in and of itself if the victim is credible.

The second is that lies about small things give the jury license to infer that the liar is lying about larger things.

Here is a litany of lies Kavanaugh has told, many under oath. There is no such litany of lies from Ford. It's also worth noting that Ford wanted an FBI investigation. Kavanaugh wouldn't say he wanted one. Which is indicative of someone with something to hide?
