Simple Queastion

If you ask a provider if they have HIV and they flip out on you. What does that tell you?
I'm at a loss here
jokacz's Avatar
That she's a stable genius?
I just think a simple yes or no and I will show you my current test will work.
jokacz's Avatar
Most of them don't get tested.

That's one of the great hobby myths.
It is a simple queastion why would you get upset over it?
Plastic Man's Avatar
It is a simple queastion why would you get upset over it? Originally Posted by Easy E
hey jimmie sleazy do ...ya blow yer colon ...logs through hemorrhoids

...donts gets upset answerin as it a simple question
offshoredrilling's Avatar
It is a simple queastion why would you get upset over it? Originally Posted by Easy E
if ya ever meet a provider that tells ya the truth on anything. Keep seeing her over n over again. Unless it was your question and the answer was yes

btw: when you ever start doing Encounter reports and provider flips out on ya.

A) you over told the story that she can't live up too
B) under told the story
C) the truth
D) any of the above

answer is D. and she will never tell you who the ROS rat was/is
Weird question for that name eazy e had aids
Your thread seems pretty clear what your saying with that name and question
randombl's Avatar
if ya ever meet a provider that tells ya the truth on anything. Keep seeing her over n over again. Unless it was your question and the answer was yes
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

I'ma say no for this. Quality of service> Honesty. Maybe since I am young and black they are more honest with me usually. Which is pretty dumb because 9 times outa ten they tell me some shit or do some shit infront of me that makes me no longer see them.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'ma say no for this. Quality of service> Honesty. Maybe since I am young and black they are more honest with me usually. Which is pretty dumb because 9 times outa ten they tell me some shit or do some shit infront of me that makes me no longer see them. Originally Posted by randombl
But then ya know what you are dealing with . I'm a white guy, dang I must be a bro of another color. As some gals have done some very dumb things in front of me. but right then and there ya know what ya dealing with. That give you the option, of run, deal with whatever, never go back, etc.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Maybe since I am young and black they are more honest with me usually. Originally Posted by randombl
maybe theys justs afraids ...of yas?
I don’t need to ask since I plan on being protected.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
it's clear it was a stupid question. askin someone somethin makes it seem like you're implyin they got it.