"Ask" on donation

KerryHutchins's Avatar
Can anybody explain why a provider will say to "Ask" on her ad instead of simply stating their required donation amount?

I guess ECCIE doesn't allow this tidbit of information to be stated any more but P411 does. If a provider says to "ask," doesn't that mean she's negotiable? Ha. Of course not. So why does she waste peoples' time? Just spit it out.
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Could probably be a lot of different reasons- Some people change their rates according to which city they are visiting so that maybe? To each their own but personally I would not want all of the additional emails inquiring about rates for any reason besides maybe (but prob not even) the regional thing. Buuuut then really I don’t even like acknowledging rates stuff- either the money fairy happens to visit me or it’s my birthday every single day and the boyfriends are ensuring I get that bday booty and then go buy myself something pretty